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** [http://www.winlab.rutgers.edu/~luyang/papers/mobicom19_augmented_reality.pdf BeaconRider: Opportunistic Sharing of Beacon Air-Time in Densely Deployed WLANs, ICNP’19]
** [http://www.winlab.rutgers.edu/~luyang/papers/mobicom19_augmented_reality.pdf BeaconRider: Opportunistic Sharing of Beacon Air-Time in Densely Deployed WLANs, ICNP’19]

* 11:00-11:30, System&Protocols, [[Member:Chang_Shu|Chang Shu]]
** [https://courses.engr.illinois.edu/ece598hpn/fa2019/papers/ipipe.pdf Offloading Distributed Applications onto SmartNICs using iPipe, SigComm’19]
** [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8526801 Dynamic Heterogeneity-Aware Coded Cooperative Computation at the Edge, ICNP’18]
** [http://www.cs.wm.edu/~hebo/PID5753779.pdf Nomad: An Efficient Consensus Approach for Latency-Sensitive Edge-Cloud Applications, INFOCOM’19]

====Tutorial (1)====
* 11:30-12:00, Simulation and experiments for edge computing, [[Member:Yunpeng_Han|Yunpeng Han]]
* 14:00-15:30, LoRa systems, [[Member:Silin_Feng|Silin_Feng]] [[Member:Xiong_Wang|Xiong Wang]]
** [https://github.com/CagataySonmez/EdgeCloudSim EdgeCloudSim]
** [https://sing.stanford.edu/site/publications/ghena-mobicom19.pdf Quick (and Dirty) Aggregate Queries on Low-Power WANs, IPSN’20]
** [https://paradrop.org/about Paradrop]
** [https://wands.sg/publications/full_list/papers/TOSN_19_2.pdf SateLoc: A Virtual Fingerprinting Approach to Outdoor LoRa Localization using Satellite Images, IPSN’20]
** [https://wands.sg/publications/full_list/papers/TOSN_19_2.pdf LoRaBee: Cross-Technology Communication from LoRa to ZigBee via Payload Encoding, ICNP’20]
** [http://home.deib.polimi.it/cesana/teaching/IoT/2017/papers/lorawan/IEEELetters2016.pdf Distributed Slot Scheduling for QoS Guarantee over TSCH-based IoT Networks via Adaptive Parameterization ICNP’20]
** [http://home.deib.polimi.it/cesana/teaching/IoT/2017/papers/lorawan/IEEELetters2016.pdf *Camel: Smart, Adaptive Energy Optimization for Mobile Web Interactions  INFOCOM’20]

====LoRa (1)====
* 14:00-15:00, Measurements in LoRa, [[Member:Wenliang_Mao|Wenliang Mao]]
** [https://sing.stanford.edu/site/publications/ghena-mobicom19.pdf Challenge: Unlicensed LPWANs Are Not Yet the Path to Ubiquitous Connectivity, MobiCom’19]
** [https://wands.sg/publications/full_list/papers/TOSN_19_2.pdf Known and unknown facts of LoRa: Experiences from a large-scale measurement study, ToN’19]
** [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8344411 LoRaWAN: Evaluation of link-and system-level performance, IoTJ’18]
** [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1607.08011 Understanding the limits of LoRaWAN, ComMag’17]
** [http://home.deib.polimi.it/cesana/teaching/IoT/2017/papers/lorawan/IEEELetters2016.pdf Low power wide area network analysis: Can LoRa scale? WCL’17]
* 15:05-16:05, LoRa protocols, [[Member:Wenliang_Mao|Wenliang Mao]]
* 15:05-16:05, LoRa protocols, [[Member:Wenliang_Mao|Wenliang Mao]]
** [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8732545 LongShoT: Long-Range Synchronization of Time, IPSN’19]
** [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8732545 LongShoT: Long-Range Synchronization of Time, IPSN’19]

Revision as of 21:52, 5 September 2020

This page shows the first seminar in the 19-20 semester. Please share your comments and ideas in the discussion board!

2020/09/25 LoRa & IoT!


  • From students to researchers – Producing knowledge in the latest topics!, Zhiwei Zhao

LoRa (1)



Tutorial (2)

  • 16:10-16:50, LoRa programming with Arduino, Xuan Yang
  • 16:50-17:10, Review and discussions

2019/09/29 Offloaded and distributed!

Offloading (1)

Offloading (2)

Federated learning


Path programming

2019/09/30 Mobile and wireless for IoT

Mobile services

System level support for IoT

Tutorial (3)

  • 16:20-17:20, Low-power IoT programming with TinyOS/TelosB testbed, Minghang Yang
  • 17:20-18:00, Review and idea discussion


  • 18:30-20:30, TBD