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| Counterfactual Fairness, NeurIPS'17
| Counterfactual Fairness, NeurIPS'17
| 此句使用"not be discriminated against in"这个词组来表述“不能因fairness概念的不同使variables 受到歧视”,我觉得蛮有意思,如果是我写这个句子就只会使用这个单词的名词形式“避免xxx造成的discrimination ”这样,也可能它在这个研究方面是惯用表述,但我尚属第一次看到还是觉得挺特别的。
| 此句使用"not be discriminated against in"这个词组来表述“不能因fairness概念的不同使variables 受到歧视”,我觉得蛮有意思,如果是我写这个句子就只会使用这个单词的名词形式“避免xxx造成的discrimination ”这样,也可能它在这个研究方面是惯用表述,但我尚属第一次看到还是觉得挺特别的。
| Yuhong
| This requirement, along with the expected increase in the number of connected cars, calls for a significant redesign of the network architecture in order to support high-performance connectivity and reduce the core network congestion due to cloud-based content and applications.
|  The RICH Prefetching in Edge Caches for In-Order Delivery to Connected Cars, TVT'19
| 1. 这句话很自然的承接了上一句的需求,点明问题所在 同时加入了新的论据(汽车数量的增加),由此引出新的解决方案。其中新论据以插入语的方式加到句子中,作为附加解释,不影响整个句子的结构。
2. 短语与词语的搭配:along with, the expected incresae in the number of XXX,  call for, a significant redesign of, due to, etc.
3. 适用于Introduction
| Zhengxin
| Figure 18(a) runs a component-wise analysis to evaluate the contribution of each technique in Pano by adding one of them at a time to a viewport-driven baseline.
| Pano: Optimizing 360° Video Streaming with a Better Understanding of Quality Perception, SigComm'19
| 1. 句子本身表述非常清晰,重点突出(为了验证论文提出的Pano中各个子技术对性能提升的贡献)。
2. 另外,这句话是说,图18针对论文中提出的各个子模块技术进行分别做实验,来验证他们对系统性能的不同提升。这种evaluation的方式很棒,掰开了揉碎了让读者或审稿人可以清楚地看到我论文提出的每一部分都有其价值,价值何在,很有说服力。这种component-wise的方法非常值得学习。
| Weifeng
| While there have been several interesting approaches to determine the execution (or offloading) of services in MEC, e.g., [3] and [4], to cite two of the most recent, an important aspect has been hitherto overlooked.
| Joint Service Placement and Request Routing in Multi-cell Mobile Edge Computing Networks, INFOCOM19
| 1.为了说明文章的创新点,往往需要与别人的工作进行对比,而之前我总是使用according to the recent work....。而这个例句提供了另一种表达方式:e.g., [3] and [4], to cite two of the most recent,
2.学习到短语 “hitherto overlooked” 迄今被忽略。
| SHUChang
| A fixed policy for these choices can destabilize the system (i.e., cause request response time to grow without bound) when the workload changes.
| Towards Safe Online Reinforcement Learning in Computer Systems, NeurIPS'19
| 这句话的意思是如果对一些参数的设置采用静态策略的话,当工作负载变化时,这种方案会使得系统性能下降。
这里我主要是想介绍一下destabilize这个词,oxford中解释是to make a system, country, etc. become less well established or successful. 通过简单的一个词直接了当地表达一些操作动摇系统,导致系统性能下降。这个词也可以应用到网络架构上,适用范围非常广泛。当想要表达xxx会使得网络(系统)不稳定(性能下降),便可以利用这个单词使得整个句子更加简洁。
| WangZhe
| Figure 18(a) runs a component-wise analysis to evaluate the contribution of each technique in Pano by adding one of them at a time to a viewport-driven baseline.
| Pano: Optimizing 360° Video Streaming with a Better Understanding of Quality Perception, SigComm'19
| 1. 句子本身表述非常清晰,重点突出(为了验证论文提出的Pano中各个子技术对性能提升的贡献)。
2. 另外,这句话是说,图18针对论文中提出的各个子模块技术进行分别做实验,来验证他们对系统性能的不同提升。这种evaluation的方式很棒,掰开了揉碎了让读者或审稿人可以清楚地看到我论文提出的每一部分都有其价值,价值何在,很有说服力。这种component-wise的方法非常值得学习。
| Weifeng
| While only few works in the literature accounted for the deadline of the offloaded tasks and their demands on being processed by specific type of IoT applications, we target in this work, the QoE requirements of the rising 5G services of different business verticals by presenting a complete offloading scheme that accounts for a joint resource provisioning of IoT applications as well as a fine grained task scheduling to meet the delay sensitive requirements of these 5G services.
| Dynamic Task Offloading and Scheduling for Low-Latency IoT Services in Multi-Access Edge Computing, JSAC'19
| 这句话放在相关工作的总结部分,非常集中地一一点明了已有工作的欠缺的关注点,引出了本文的主要工作目的,展现了研究工作以及该工作的特点,和最终实现的目标。
| WangZi
| Adding cache storage space at routers becomes of utmost importance to handle this massive growth, and improve the network performance as well as user’s QoE.
| DeepCache: A Deep Learning Based Framework For Content Caching, NetAI'18
| 这句言简意赅的表明了缓存的重要性及其好处。其中,of utmost importance是固定搭配,翻译为极重要的,至关重要的,相当于the most important。of+抽象名词=该名词对应的形容词。e.g., of significance = significant。
| Zhengxin
| For fair comparison to TARF's power and rate adaptation scheme, we plot the achieved throughput as a function of the SNR computed prior to TARF's power allocation.
|  Networking across Boundaries: Enabling Wireless Communication through the Water-Air Interface, SigComm'18
| 在Evaluation中解释画的图时可以用到的句式,避免所有句子都是同样的句式,比如“Figure 1 shows xxxx”,丰富文章的表达。
1. 可以用we plot xxx (纵坐标) as a function of xxx (横坐标)来引出所画的图。
2. 句子前用“For fair comparison to xxx”也可以起到很好的过渡作用。
3. 当图中有多条曲线时,我们往往难以在一句话中既说明横纵坐标的含义,又解释不同曲线表示什么意思,这时可以用“prior to xxxx”来区分不同曲线的特点。
| Weifeng
| While only few works in the literature accounted for the deadline of the offloaded tasks and their demands on being processed by specific type of IoT applications, we target in this work, the QoE requirements of the rising 5G services of different business verticals by presenting a complete offloading scheme that accounts for a joint resource provisioning of IoT applications as well as a fine grained task scheduling to meet the delay sensitive requirements of these 5G services.
| Dynamic Task Offloading and Scheduling for Low-Latency IoT Services in Multi-Access Edge Computing, JSAC'19
| 这句话放在相关工作的总结部分,非常集中地一一点明了已有工作的欠缺的关注点,引出了本文的主要工作目的,展现了研究工作以及该工作的特点,和最终实现的目标。
| WangZi
| We believe they will drive a plethora of IoT applications that elaborate our knowledge of the physical world.
| Mobile crowdsensing: current state and future challenges, Commag
| 短语 a plethora of 大量的;
表述用法 elaborate our knowledge of ,elaborate 作动词意为“详细阐述;变复杂”,此处使用它来表达“丰富了我们对于xxx的了解”。
| Yuhong
| Although, [31] compared the performance of GPRS and NB-IoT with Sigfox and LoRa, the dearth of publications in this area suggests that a considerable amount of follow-on work still needs to be carried out.
| Low-Power Wide Area Network Technologies for Internet-of-Things: A Comparative Review, IOTJ'19
| 尽管[31]将GPRS和NB-IoT的性能与Sigfox和LoRa进行了比较,但这一领域的出版物的稀缺表明,后续仍有大量的工作需要进行。
短语:dearth of : ...的稀缺;dearth作名词有严重不足(an acute insufficiency),饥荒的意思,相比lack语气更为强烈。
follow on: 继续下去,接着发生;中间加上连接符follow-on做名词 表示后继的事物。
| Wenliang
| Following this conventional wisdom, a rich literature has developed around reducing web service delays (e.g., [21, 26, 28]).
| E2E: Embracing User Heterogeneity to Improve Quality of Experience on the Web, SigComm'19
| 根据传统观点,已有大量的文章围绕如何降低Web端的服务延迟展开了研究。
1. 根据传统的观点 (according to the conventional view) : following this conventional wisdom
2. 大量的的工作 (a large amount of literatures): a rich literature
3. 在。。方面开展研究 (has studied): has  developed around
| ShuChang
| The effective adoption of VMs in data centers is one of the key enablers of the large-scale cloud computing paradigm.
| A Hierarchical Framework of Cloud Resource Allocation and Power Management Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, ICDCS'17
| 1. 短语 xx be one of the key enablers of xx,表示xx是xx的关键推动力之一,当介绍新技术为什么之前无法应用/实现,而如今能够运用/实现时可以利用这个短语。
2. 可以替换的短语应该是xx加速了xx的运用,xx accelerates the progress of xx, 但是相较于原文中的短语还是有所欠缺,因为原文中利用简单的one of the key enablers既表达虚拟机的有效采用是十分重要的推力,又说明这只是云计算范例实现的推力之一,而使用accelerate the progress无法清晰表达这两方面的意思,需要更多的补充句子去说明,会显得整段话过于冗长。
| WangZhe
| This new communication modality presents unique constraints due to the entanglement of both electromagnetic and mechanical nature of the resulting links, as well as unique environmental challenges.
| Networking across Boundaries: Enabling Wireless Communication through the Water-Air Interface, SigComm'18
| 短语 a plethora of 大量的;
表述用法 elaborate our knowledge of ,elaborate 作动词意为“详细阐述;变复杂”,此处使用它来表达“丰富了我们对于xxx的了解”。
| Yuhong
| Yuhong


Revision as of 12:40, 19 April 2020

This page is an archive of beautiful sentences from high-quality publications.

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Member Weifeng Gao Yuhong Jiang Wenliang Mao Chang Shu Zhe Wang Zi Wang Zhengxin Yu
Sentence Reference Reason Collector
Minerva is able to ameliorate the drawbacks of connection-level fairness by dynamically modifying a video's rate allocation to optimize a QoE fairness metric. End-to-End Transport for Video QoE Fairness, SigComm'19 1. 学到新表达: ameliorate the drawbacks;2. 句式简单但表达内容丰富(设计Minera的目的以及实现Minera的方式),一句话的总结 Weifeng
Let A denote the set of protected attributes of an individual, variables that must not be discriminated against in a formal sense defined differently by each notion of fairness discussed. Counterfactual Fairness, NeurIPS'17 此句使用"not be discriminated against in"这个词组来表述“不能因fairness概念的不同使variables 受到歧视”,我觉得蛮有意思,如果是我写这个句子就只会使用这个单词的名词形式“避免xxx造成的discrimination ”这样,也可能它在这个研究方面是惯用表述,但我尚属第一次看到还是觉得挺特别的。 Yuhong
This requirement, along with the expected increase in the number of connected cars, calls for a significant redesign of the network architecture in order to support high-performance connectivity and reduce the core network congestion due to cloud-based content and applications. The RICH Prefetching in Edge Caches for In-Order Delivery to Connected Cars, TVT'19 1. 这句话很自然的承接了上一句的需求,点明问题所在 同时加入了新的论据(汽车数量的增加),由此引出新的解决方案。其中新论据以插入语的方式加到句子中,作为附加解释,不影响整个句子的结构。

2. 短语与词语的搭配:along with, the expected incresae in the number of XXX, call for, a significant redesign of, due to, etc. 3. 适用于Introduction


Figure 18(a) runs a component-wise analysis to evaluate the contribution of each technique in Pano by adding one of them at a time to a viewport-driven baseline. Pano: Optimizing 360° Video Streaming with a Better Understanding of Quality Perception, SigComm'19 1. 句子本身表述非常清晰,重点突出(为了验证论文提出的Pano中各个子技术对性能提升的贡献)。

2. 另外,这句话是说,图18针对论文中提出的各个子模块技术进行分别做实验,来验证他们对系统性能的不同提升。这种evaluation的方式很棒,掰开了揉碎了让读者或审稿人可以清楚地看到我论文提出的每一部分都有其价值,价值何在,很有说服力。这种component-wise的方法非常值得学习。


While there have been several interesting approaches to determine the execution (or offloading) of services in MEC, e.g., [3] and [4], to cite two of the most recent, an important aspect has been hitherto overlooked. Joint Service Placement and Request Routing in Multi-cell Mobile Edge Computing Networks, INFOCOM19 1.为了说明文章的创新点,往往需要与别人的工作进行对比,而之前我总是使用according to the recent work....。而这个例句提供了另一种表达方式:e.g., [3] and [4], to cite two of the most recent,

2.学习到短语 “hitherto overlooked” 迄今被忽略。 3.此例句适用于引出文章的contribution。


A fixed policy for these choices can destabilize the system (i.e., cause request response time to grow without bound) when the workload changes. Towards Safe Online Reinforcement Learning in Computer Systems, NeurIPS'19 这句话的意思是如果对一些参数的设置采用静态策略的话,当工作负载变化时,这种方案会使得系统性能下降。

这里我主要是想介绍一下destabilize这个词,oxford中解释是to make a system, country, etc. become less well established or successful. 通过简单的一个词直接了当地表达一些操作动摇系统,导致系统性能下降。这个词也可以应用到网络架构上,适用范围非常广泛。当想要表达xxx会使得网络(系统)不稳定(性能下降),便可以利用这个单词使得整个句子更加简洁。


Figure 18(a) runs a component-wise analysis to evaluate the contribution of each technique in Pano by adding one of them at a time to a viewport-driven baseline. Pano: Optimizing 360° Video Streaming with a Better Understanding of Quality Perception, SigComm'19 1. 句子本身表述非常清晰,重点突出(为了验证论文提出的Pano中各个子技术对性能提升的贡献)。

2. 另外,这句话是说,图18针对论文中提出的各个子模块技术进行分别做实验,来验证他们对系统性能的不同提升。这种evaluation的方式很棒,掰开了揉碎了让读者或审稿人可以清楚地看到我论文提出的每一部分都有其价值,价值何在,很有说服力。这种component-wise的方法非常值得学习。


While only few works in the literature accounted for the deadline of the offloaded tasks and their demands on being processed by specific type of IoT applications, we target in this work, the QoE requirements of the rising 5G services of different business verticals by presenting a complete offloading scheme that accounts for a joint resource provisioning of IoT applications as well as a fine grained task scheduling to meet the delay sensitive requirements of these 5G services. Dynamic Task Offloading and Scheduling for Low-Latency IoT Services in Multi-Access Edge Computing, JSAC'19 这句话放在相关工作的总结部分,非常集中地一一点明了已有工作的欠缺的关注点,引出了本文的主要工作目的,展现了研究工作以及该工作的特点,和最终实现的目标。


Adding cache storage space at routers becomes of utmost importance to handle this massive growth, and improve the network performance as well as user’s QoE. DeepCache: A Deep Learning Based Framework For Content Caching, NetAI'18 这句言简意赅的表明了缓存的重要性及其好处。其中,of utmost importance是固定搭配,翻译为极重要的,至关重要的,相当于the most important。of+抽象名词=该名词对应的形容词。e.g., of significance = significant。 Zhengxin
For fair comparison to TARF's power and rate adaptation scheme, we plot the achieved throughput as a function of the SNR computed prior to TARF's power allocation. Networking across Boundaries: Enabling Wireless Communication through the Water-Air Interface, SigComm'18 在Evaluation中解释画的图时可以用到的句式,避免所有句子都是同样的句式,比如“Figure 1 shows xxxx”,丰富文章的表达。

1. 可以用we plot xxx (纵坐标) as a function of xxx (横坐标)来引出所画的图。 2. 句子前用“For fair comparison to xxx”也可以起到很好的过渡作用。 3. 当图中有多条曲线时,我们往往难以在一句话中既说明横纵坐标的含义,又解释不同曲线表示什么意思,这时可以用“prior to xxxx”来区分不同曲线的特点。

While only few works in the literature accounted for the deadline of the offloaded tasks and their demands on being processed by specific type of IoT applications, we target in this work, the QoE requirements of the rising 5G services of different business verticals by presenting a complete offloading scheme that accounts for a joint resource provisioning of IoT applications as well as a fine grained task scheduling to meet the delay sensitive requirements of these 5G services. Dynamic Task Offloading and Scheduling for Low-Latency IoT Services in Multi-Access Edge Computing, JSAC'19 这句话放在相关工作的总结部分,非常集中地一一点明了已有工作的欠缺的关注点,引出了本文的主要工作目的,展现了研究工作以及该工作的特点,和最终实现的目标。


We believe they will drive a plethora of IoT applications that elaborate our knowledge of the physical world. Mobile crowdsensing: current state and future challenges, Commag 短语 a plethora of 大量的;

表述用法 elaborate our knowledge of ,elaborate 作动词意为“详细阐述;变复杂”,此处使用它来表达“丰富了我们对于xxx的了解”。

Although, [31] compared the performance of GPRS and NB-IoT with Sigfox and LoRa, the dearth of publications in this area suggests that a considerable amount of follow-on work still needs to be carried out. Low-Power Wide Area Network Technologies for Internet-of-Things: A Comparative Review, IOTJ'19 尽管[31]将GPRS和NB-IoT的性能与Sigfox和LoRa进行了比较,但这一领域的出版物的稀缺表明,后续仍有大量的工作需要进行。

短语:dearth of : ...的稀缺;dearth作名词有严重不足(an acute insufficiency),饥荒的意思,相比lack语气更为强烈。 follow on: 继续下去,接着发生;中间加上连接符follow-on做名词 表示后继的事物。

Following this conventional wisdom, a rich literature has developed around reducing web service delays (e.g., [21, 26, 28]). E2E: Embracing User Heterogeneity to Improve Quality of Experience on the Web, SigComm'19 根据传统观点,已有大量的文章围绕如何降低Web端的服务延迟展开了研究。

学到了几种短语的搭配以替换之前的表达。 1. 根据传统的观点 (according to the conventional view) : following this conventional wisdom 2. 大量的的工作 (a large amount of literatures): a rich literature 3. 在。。方面开展研究 (has studied): has developed around

The effective adoption of VMs in data centers is one of the key enablers of the large-scale cloud computing paradigm. A Hierarchical Framework of Cloud Resource Allocation and Power Management Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, ICDCS'17 1. 短语 xx be one of the key enablers of xx,表示xx是xx的关键推动力之一,当介绍新技术为什么之前无法应用/实现,而如今能够运用/实现时可以利用这个短语。

2. 可以替换的短语应该是xx加速了xx的运用,xx accelerates the progress of xx, 但是相较于原文中的短语还是有所欠缺,因为原文中利用简单的one of the key enablers既表达虚拟机的有效采用是十分重要的推力,又说明这只是云计算范例实现的推力之一,而使用accelerate the progress无法清晰表达这两方面的意思,需要更多的补充句子去说明,会显得整段话过于冗长。

This new communication modality presents unique constraints due to the entanglement of both electromagnetic and mechanical nature of the resulting links, as well as unique environmental challenges. Networking across Boundaries: Enabling Wireless Communication through the Water-Air Interface, SigComm'18 短语 a plethora of 大量的;

表述用法 elaborate our knowledge of ,elaborate 作动词意为“详细阐述;变复杂”,此处使用它来表达“丰富了我们对于xxx的了解”。
